About Me

I'm a Backend Developer, graduated in Computer Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas.


Matera Systems Icon Matera Systems

Backend Developer

Jan/2023 - Current

Working with technical debit, bugs, POCs, technical analysis of new features, vulnerabilities, technical upgrades, documentation, performance and security analysis

Development Intern

Jan/2022 - Dec/2022

Intern at the Internet Banking sector. From January to April as part of quality assurance squad, doing test, homologation and test scenarios and from May to December as part of the development squad, solving bugs, developing new APIs, solving technical debt. The internship focused on the job rotation to assure the process towards a demand.

PUCCamp Icon Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas


Aug/2020 - Dec/2020

Monitor at Algorithms and Computer Programming B subject, support to students with their questions and problems with the C programming language.


Feb/2020 - Jun/2020

Monitor at Algorithms and Computer Programming A subject, support to students with their questions and problems with the C programming language.

Projects & Repositories

Side Projects

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Rinhas Backend

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Lets Code

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Repository badge

Fifth Year

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Fouth Year

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Third Year

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Second Year

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First Year

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Languages and Frameworks

.env .NET Asciidoctor Bash C C++ C# CSS3 html5 javascript json jupyter latex markdown nodejs openjdk python quarkus spring springboot spring security uml yaml


firebase microsoftsqlserver mysql oracle postgresql sqlite


Camunda hibernate junit5 keras liquibase logstash numpy openapiinitiative opencv pandas plotly scikitlearn swagger tensorflow


amazonSQS ApacheKafka rabbitmq


bitbucket docker github githubActions jenkins kubernetes nginx tekton


asana confluence jira trello

Package Managers

ApacheMaven git helm npm pypi


ApacheTomcat Curl dbeaver keycloak


diagramsnet googlecolab


androidStudio intellijidea vscode visualstudio
owaspdependency-check sonarlint

Code Quality and Analysis

Codacy sonarqube

Load Test

ApacheJMeter gatling K6 postman

Operating System & Kernel

linux ubuntu windows10


Recent Github Activity

Most recently used languages GitHub stats Recently contributions graph